United States Louisiana

New Orleans

A vibrant US city known for its jazz music, Creole cuisine, Mardi Gras festival, and rich cultural fusion of French, African, and American influences.

Tips from the community

Carnival 2022 Date: March 1, 2022 One of the most famous carnivals around the world has to be Mardi Gras. Carnival landed on American soil thanks to 17th century French explorers Pierre Le Moyne d’Iberville and Sieur de Bienville, who arrived in present day Louisiana on March 3, 1699. When they realized that it was Fat Tuesday (aka Mardi Gras, in French) back home, they dubbed their landing spot Point du Mardi Gras and held a party. The Mardi Gras tradition has since grown into a million-reveler celebration, which includes everything from street parades a lá Rio, to elegant society balls like the Venetians host. While Alabama actually lays claim to the oldest Mardi Gras celebration (d’Iberville and Bienville established their first settlement near modern day Mobile), the largest and most decadent is definitely held in New Orleans. Receiving more than 10 million visitors, this celebration isn’t just an awesome party – it’s a culture and tradition-lain festival where secret societies, beaded indian battlers, fire dancers, and flying beads fill the streets for weeks until the fall of Ash Wednesday when lent begins. If you love beads, battles, and some amazing music, you’ll need to head to New Orleans this pre-lent season.

marisamegan 3 years ago

Essence Festival 2022: TBD For over 25 years, Essence Festival has been taking New Orleans by storm each 4th of July weekend. In 1995, the first festival popped up in the Crescent City. Dubbed as the ‘party with a purpose,’ Essence has long been instrumental in bringing millions of dollars to the city’s economy and creating a conjure of Black culture through music, food, and travel.  When Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans in 2004, the Essence Fest team was on the ground providing aid and helping to rebuild the city. 2004 was the only year that the festival was held outside of Louisiana (it moved to Houston temporarily). Each year, festival goers are invited to celebrate Black culture with performances from artists like Janet Jackson and Beyonce. When concerts aren’t happening, the community gathers at the convention center for celebrity panels, demos, and giveaways from brands like Shea Moisture. At Essence Fest, there is absolutely no shortage of love, pride, or “Sis, you look good” compliments.

briari 3 years ago

Locals have been making music here since the 19th century when enslaved people gathered in Congo Square on the weekends to play music and dance. Big band music traces its roots to New Orleans, where the sizable jazz ensemble and music genre were inspired by the city’s ragtime and blues. The hometown of Louis Armstrong hosts the annual Jazz Fest, a 10-day cultural festival featuring traditional and contemporary jazz plus other music genres the Big Easy is known for, including Afro-Caribbean, blues, bluegrass, Cajun, country, folk, gospel, Latin, R&B, rap, rock, and zydeco.

laurenmack 2 years ago

Getting ready for an amazing Wanderfest day, setting up with some great women whose energy and excitement makes the cold so much easier to bear. Bundle up and come add your awesomeness to the collection!

leemullennola 3 years ago

It has been a while and it was so crazy out here. Like old times❤️ When I visited before moving here!!

madamedillon 3 years ago

Getting ready for "International Lovers: A WanderWomxn Burlesque Extravaganza" as part of WanderFest! Can't wait to meet everyone!

jannazinzi 3 years ago

I'm at Parasol's, a great local dive bar and restaurant, and had my first Ferdi Special, delicious!

kwalker 3 years ago

Cold and windy and well worth it to share this space with so many beautiful women

leemullennola 3 years ago

Mardi Gras on Fat Tuesday Beads, family, coolersPut the kids to bed & party

madamedillon 3 years ago

It’s beautiful…. ESP this time of the year when they have Jazz fest❤️

pahadi_globetrotter 3 years ago

Enjoying the view at Riverwalk waiting for the festivities to begin

leemullennola 3 years ago

I’ll be there in a week. JUST missing Mardi Gras. 😩

chiefseeker 3 years ago

Love the energy in the room with all the Wanderfest women

leemullennola 3 years ago

Great new friends at another fun Wanderfest event

leemullennola 3 years ago

can't wait to visit this summer!!

stillontheroad 3 years ago

So wonderful to meet you!

jannazinzi 3 years ago

A great place to explore

leemullennola 3 years ago

Fun little joint

leemullennola 3 years ago

Can’t wait!!!

chiefseeker 3 years ago

so fun!

leah 3 years ago

New Orleans Experiences

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